CoCoBEST Leadership Team
Position Name
Hub Co-Director Janne Ackerman
Hub Co-Director Otis Gorley
Chief Judge David Whitmire
Game Boss Kate Whitmire
Game Field Coordinator Garry Ackerman
School Coordinator
Return Kit Tracking
Event Planning
Susan Wingfield
Publicity Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
Katherine Hancock
RC Coordinator Robert Begel
Consumable Kit Lead Judy and Steve Patterson
Events & Logistics Hyla Emery
Bookkeeper Stephen Hancock
Webmaster / Web Designer Kevin Earls
Follow us on Twitter! BEST_robotics

What is BEST?

The BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology) program is a sports-like technology competition that hopes to inspire and motivate students towards studies and careers in engineering, science, and technology. Collin County (CoCo BEST) is one of several hubs throughout the state and nation.

What sets this program apart from others is:

  • Students have the experience. Engineers and other coaches are present only to guide, not to design and build.
  • Schools participate with no entry fee or kit cost.
  • All hub sites use the same kit, game design, schedule, and rules.

A team of students from area schools is assisted by a small group of technology coaches from local industry to design and build a radio-controlled machine to accomplish a defined task. The technology contest is designed to simulate a real-world business and engineering environment including:

  • Specifications (weight, size, functionality)
  • Time to Market (time to market - 6 weeks)
  • Limited Resources (use only the kit of parts provided)
What is CoCo BEST?

CoCo Best is the Collin County hub of the Texas Boosting Engineering Science and Technology (BEST) contest. The contest is for everyone, not just potential engineers or scientists. Graphical arts, music, fundraising, organizational skills, leadership, and teaming are just a few of the additional skills emphasized. About 24 teams will participate this year. Make sure your school gets involved!

BEST Goals

The BEST Program is designed to teach teamwork, problem solving, project management, and pride in task completion within the constraints of a short time period and limited physical resources. Through partnerships of participating schools with corporate sponsors, youth teams are supported by mentors who serve as positive role models for the next generation of scientists, engineers, and technologists. The goal is to demonstrate the excitement of advanced technical careers to young people who are nearing decisions on college plans.

Although the goals of the BEST program are to inspire and motivate students toward studies and careers in engineering, science and technology, the program is not limited to the technical area. Students from all disciplines are encouraged to participate. It's about changing the way students of America think about science and technology while gaining the rewards of excitement and fun. The process is the crucial element - the contest provides the fun and excitement. BEST accomplishes these goals through local "hub" competitions, of which CoCo (Collin County) BEST is one of twenty other hubs from eight states competing. These states currently include Texas, Alabama, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, New Mexico, Arkansas and Oklahoma. The finalists from each hub competition will match up against each other at the regional competition, Texas BEST, which is currently sponsored by UTD.